These foods have the ability to burn fat is very high. Why? Because they contain very low calories.
Remember - Whether a food is considered healthy and contains many nutrients, there are many positive effects, but if contains too many calories - including healthy food - are can make you fat.
On the other hand, a food may contain fewer calories, but do not have a lot of other nutrients that can help you lose weight, but can not guarantee your health.
So, how to ensure that both criteria: Medium to medium fat reduction health guarantee?
I believe that there are people outside looked great, but not necessarily within the same well (their health as not good looks). And of course it can not make you into a person who has abundant energy, a sense of comfort and passion for life, and so, even if you have good looking appearance outside of how you Nor was entirely successful slimming. What I want to say now is, success in the weight loss was not simply get the ideal rate% fat or muscle is the only darker.
I also note that you, whether you are in good health, but do not get a body like that, it is not a success.
That is the reason why I am deeply concerned to food issues. I have studied what foods help you achieve both goals: body healthy and slimmer body (and even if you want to have a rippling muscles, it was not difficult at all ).
So, now we do not care about anything else, let's just talk about healthy foods can help you burn fat in the body alone!
In fact, to generate a list appropriate for everyone is a utopia. Why? This is the reason for you:
If you are vegetarian, why? Of course you would not eat, and of course it needs to be removed from the list. Then your body can not tolerate lactose (a sugar found in milk), why? Naturally milk will be excluded list. Some people also have problems with gluten or many other issues.
This is the reason that I did not force you to eat it, eat there, you can absolutely eat what you want, because everyone's tastes are different.
So what to do to be able to create a list of healthy foods but suitable for everyone. Quite simply, we only need to use a list of foods that are functional and different uses, in accordance with the needs of each person, but have similar nutrient. Below is a list of some foods is extremely useful in reducing fat:
Healthy foods rich in protein.
This is a trick of the athletes in the selection of foods needed for the body, and can burn excess fat in your body, even if you are not an athlete TV: You start your meal by choosing lean meats contain a lot of protein. If you are vegetarian, you must choose a plant that contains protein, but most of us know, a lot of protein containing products of animal origin such as meat, fish and milk.
Many people believe that the meat products are not good for health. This is completely wrong! It also depends on the type of meat you choose. There are several ways to choose healthy meals meat of you as follows:
First, you need to stay away from meat products have been processed - the meats (canned) or other types of meat in fast food restaurants (not necessarily because it is the kind of meat you choose, it is not to mention a variety of chemical additives that are harmful to health, but it is used to make it).
Second, to ensure that the reduced caloric intake (helps you lose weight) may choose to reduce the amount of meat best. For example, you choose the chicken thighs instead of pork ...
Third, if you have the conditions, select items derived from animals such as the beef. In the meat of this species have a very healthy fatty acids (omega 6 to omega 3)
And here's the best meat for you:
- Chicken breast (not the kind of fast-food stores.)
- The type of meat (Nai, deer, goats ...)
- Beef (buffalo).
- The fish (especially salmon and other fish are wild caught.)
- The meat from shellfish or seafood.
- Eggs of all kinds (You can eat the fruit, egg yolks also work against diseases Cataract)
- Dairy products (milk should choose nonfat or low-fat).
Vegetables contain fiber and healthy green foods.
The following foods to help you have a healthy meal and enhance fat burning in your body are the foods or green fibrous vegetables. In particular vegetables, high-fiber foods is extremely important. We are the foods rich in carbon-hydration, nutrients and low calories, this will help your body develop a more comprehensive and also help you lose weight faster.
Here are some vegetables that you eat:
- Broccoli
- Mang.
- Spinach.
- Green beans (green beans)
- Peppers (both green and red.)
- Tomatoes (or tomato sauce from the wild.)
- Cauliflower.
- Lettuce (or other greens)
- Cabbage.
- Action.
- The starchy foods are blue.

I am sure you have heard that eating more fruits and vegetables are very good for the body. Indeed I feel very sad for those who want to reduce the amount of carbon-hydrate but do not dare to eat more fruit. Fruit is one of the abundant nutrition and natural. It does not cause obesity in your body, but also provide you with a lot of energy necessary for health. I can also give you a list of the fruits, but I know for sure that you always have your favorite fruit. And most of these fruits are very nutritious, so I only give you two tips:
Be careful with dried fruits. One of the reasons for the fruit to become healthier foods and be able to burn fat is good because it has more fiber and has a high water content. When the fruit has been drained of water, so it will increase the calorie content. These foods are high in calories to make you fat.
Do not drink too much fruit juice. If you drink fruit juice, be sure to drink sparingly. Fruit juice is a concentrated calories and no more work for your fat loss.
Except for those I have noted above, all these fruits are very good for your body.
The cereal starches and natural.
Healthy food is followed by the type of starch and natural grain. People keep thinking that foods containing low levels of new carbon-hydrates good for slimming process, should always try to limit its use. It is actually a misconception. The starches containing carbon-hydrate natural muscle enhancing effects, and of course also very good for your body when you eat it reasonable to other foods. Also, if you are the preferred exercise regime or a certain body workout, rest assured you eat them because they will not harm you.
The following is a list of foods that contain natural starch that you eat:
- Yam
- Potato
- Brown Rice
- Lentils
- Green Beans
- Peas
- Powder 100% Natural Cereal, or the bread dough itself naturally.

Healthy fats.
Even doctors often think that "fat makes you fat." But the reality is not so.
Statistics show that there are 4 calories per gram of protein, carbon-hydrates have 4 calories, while fat has 9 calories. Because fat calories than double other substances to make it easier for your body to release more fertile other foods.
However, if you are in shortage of calories, fat very useful for the body. In fact, there are some types of fats, especially omega-3 fats found in fish, is a kind of healthy food is good for your health. The healthy fats found in nuts, and dark green vegetables and some unprocessed oils.
You should be able to avoid Trans fat and refined oils. Most people know the limitations of white sugar that they see every day. But they can not see it in the refined oil bottles, which they always think that it should be safe for her.
Here are some foods that contain healthy fats for you:
- The fatty fish (salmon, mackerel ...)
- Fish oil (If you do not eat fatty fish)
- Coconut oil.
- Olive oil
- Nuts.
- Almonds
- Butter
- Olives
- Natural peanut.
There are many other useful things to choose healthy foods to lose weight effectively you can find the perfect meal programs our. We hope to help you get a meal to ensure adequate nutrition to get a slim body and healthy. Avoid the risk of serious diseases such as obesity and cardiovascular disease to live healthier with a complete menu.
Wish you success!
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