In fact, a normal person would receive one fifth of the calories from drinking water in the body. So that what you drink affects your body weight.
In addition to food choices in the healthy grocery list. Choose the appropriate drinks can help you lose weight by increasing metabolism in the body, curb appetite, caloric restriction intake and vice versa. Here are the best drinks and worst of weight loss.
Drinks good for weight loss
Water Filter
Water is the best drink to lose weight. It helps you feel full longer and reduce appetite. According to health experts, if you want to lose weight, you should drink plenty of water each day.
The study pointed out, drink water before meals makes people eat less. Besides, drinking more water can positively impact the metabolism of us, which makes the number of calories burned more.
Green Tea
Green tea is the best beverage for people who are trying to control your weight. Some compounds such as tannin's in green tea, caffeine ... can help accelerate metabolism and appetite suppression, since they help you lose weight. To these beverages maximize weight loss effects, drink 2 cups of green tea per day.
Vegetable Juice
Vegetable juices and low-sugar contains more fiber. Drinking vegetable juice, can help prevent food cravings, so that drinking vegetable juice will help you eat less. A study has found, drink a glass of vegetable juice before meals to cut calories up to 30%.

Coconut water
Coconut water contains many electrolytes can increase metabolism and limiting water loss in the body. Coconut water is the perfect drink to replace the beverages high in calories and sugar makes you gain weight.
Reasonable amount of help you hydrate nutrition absorption and enhance energy for the body. Thanks for keeping the water in the body when you drink coconut water will feel full longer, reducing hunger and appetite suppressant. That is why coconut water is beneficial for those who want to lose weight.
Worst Drinks for Weight Loss
Energy drinks
Most energy drinks contain a lot of sugar. Sugar can help increase your energy, but they only work when you drink a sufficient amount each day. In case you drink too much and constantly in a long time, they can cause tooth decay and weight gain.
Soda water
Soda does not have a lot of sugar and calories. Simply put, it's just calories come from sugar. The diet has too much sugar will make you gain weight and even obese.

Whole milk
Whole milk is not good to drink who are trying to lose weight. Because they contain more calories and excess calories can accumulate in the body causing weight gain. So they are considered enemies of weight loss.
More coffee cream
Coffee with a little sugar and skim milk can not be bad, but at the coffee shop more often for the cream to rise charming. Drinking too much coffee ice cream will ruin your weight loss plan. So, if you want to drink coffee, drink at home, because you know exactly what things in it if you drink out of.
Alcoholic Beverages
Alcoholic beverages slow burning of body fat, so that it makes it difficult to achieve weight loss goals. If you want to lose weight, stay away from these beverages.
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